+255 677 003 129 info@nhr.or.tz Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 11.00pm

Helping Children Deal With Trauma

Helping your child recover from trauma Suggestions include: Allow your child plenty of time to play and enjoy recreational activities such as sport, particularly favourite games and activities with ‘best’ and familiar friends. Allow time for fun. Laughter, good times and shared pleasure can help all family members to feel better. Don’t insist on three […]

Common Health Questions for Children

When should I call my doctor about a fever? Fevers aren’t the same for all kids. Here’s when it’s really time to call the doctor: Under 3 months: 100.4˚F or higher 3-6 months: 101˚F or high + other symptoms 6 months or older: 103˚F + other symptoms All ages: Lower than normal temperatures + other […]